Dues are set by both the National and Local council. The cost of dues is currently set at $85 per scout. The council also sets dues in what they call an "Adventure Fee". This cost is currently set at $85 as well. A scout that falls behind before their recharter date may not go camping or rank up. The Adventure fee only applies to the first two scouts in a family.
Our Troop currently conducts two annual fundraising projects: a Popcorn Sale in the fall and a Spaghetti Dinner in the spring. Funds raised from these two sales offset the costs of campouts and activities and are also used to purchase Troop equipment.
Campout fees paid by the boys mostly only cover the cost of food. Other expenses are paid by these two fundraisers. The success of these two fundraisers is critically important to maintaining the quality of programming available to our boys at the lowest possible cost.
All our boys benefit equally from the success of these fundraisers, but, as in many organizations, a small percentage of the families were doing most of the work, about half were helping somewhat, and the rest were not doing their share. In response to this problem, the Troop Committee developed the following policy that is equally fair to all members.
Troop 101 has maintained a highly successful Scouting Program for nearly 50 years. Scouting families must assume financial responsibilities for the quality of our program. A budget is established prior to each fiscal year. Each Scouting family is made aware of its role in supporting our Troop programs and their responsibility for their first Scout is set at $250 per year and each additional sibling will pay $100. Our two established fundraisers provide the opportunity to support the Troop and meet these obligations to lessen any major personal financial burden.
Any Scout not contributing his appropriate share for the fundraisers is required to make up the differences in the form of a direct cash payment to the Troop. This difference will be determined after the Popcorn fundraiser and communicated to the Scouting Family. That difference is due by December 1. If a Scout has not met his financial obligation, he is placed on an inactive status and runs the risk of not being re-registered with the Troop.
To meet the financial responsibility. Each Scout will be asked to commit to 15 Spaghetti Dinner ticket sales and $400 in popcorn sales. (Sibling Scouts: 5 Dinner tickets and $100 in popcorn sales). After those commitments are met, Scouts will receive 25% of Spaghetti Dinner ticket sales ($3), 5% of Popcorn Show N Sale profit, and 10% of other Popcorn Sales profit towards their annual dues. Once the Financial Responsibility, Dues, and Adventure fee are covered, additional funds will be available for the scout to use towards camping trips and Troop merchandise. This means good participation in the fundraisers can make scouting free!
All registered Scouts must be in compliance with the Troops Financial Policy before they will be allowed to participate in Scout functions or advancement.
Our Troop is committed to making Scouting available to any boy who wants it. We strive to keep the cost of our weekend campouts and trips as low as possible. your family cannot fully participate for financial reasons, please contact the Scoutmaster. We are fortunate to have the William E. Brown Memorial Campership Fund and other programs. We will work to see that no boy is denied Scouting because of the cost. As always, these needs will be handled with discretion.