Advancement In Scouting

Ranks in Venturing

The Venturing rank advancement program helps growth in adventure, leadership, personal development, and service. This is called the ALPS model. While not integral to the Venturing program, it offers a benchmark that gives Venturers a structure for develping their own personal vision into manageable goals that lead to recognition by their peers, mentors, and the larger community.

In Crew 101

Advancement is part of our program, and we encourage youth to persue the 4 ranks available. It helps make better leaders, and citizens.

A full write-up of the Advancemnet in Venturing, check out the National site below.

Venturing Advancemnet

Crew Tools

Documents & Forms

Advancing Rank in Troop 101

The Troop Guides run a weekly meeting to help guide younger Scouts through the early ranks. It is highly recommended that Scouts below Second Class attend these meetings. The Guides meet with the younger Scouts at 6:30 pm, right before the regular Troop meeting.

Summit Project & Summit Application Assistance

The Summit rank is the highest rank in Venturing. Part of earning the rank involves developing an idea for a project that will benefit your religious institution, school, or community.
Before starting on your Eagle, consider the following:

  • Allow AT LEAST 6-12 months from the time you find a project until you expect to be done with it. Sometimes it will take even longer, so don't procrastinate.
  • Remember you don't control much of this process. Working with an outside organization and getting the many signatures and approvals required will delay your project.
  • You are leading this project, not doing it. Allow extra time to accommodate others' schedules
  • You do NOT have to wait until all your merit badges are done to start your project. You can begin as soon as you are a Life Scout.

Scouting America maintains the forms below. Sometimes the links change, so be sure to let us know if they stop working.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements and the Summit Project Workbook first so you understand exactly what will be required of you.

Summit Award Application Workbook

Looking for an Project? We are often given Projects that would be great! You can check them out at the page below. Have a Project for us? Send us an email to let us know the details.

Possible Summit Projects

Also, check out our Summit Rank to see what other scouts in our Crew have done over the years.

Crew 101 Summit Award Recipients

Adult Leader Training

Scouting America offers both mandatory and optional training for Adult Leaders and Volunteers.
You can learn about the training offered, and ensure you are up to date on the latest Youth Protection Training at the following site